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JAC is in the news periodically--and makes news on occasion!  Below is a quick recap of JAC news and mentions.  Check back regularly for updates.


December 19, 2017, JAC's management of the Fresh Start Program in St. Tammany Parish. PDF Link.


December 5, 2017, KSLA Shreveport. JAC is covered regarding the upcoming Clean Jacket Day. PDF Link


September 22, 2017, PR Newswire. JAC releases information on a partnership in Shreveport to provide expungement services. PDF Link


August 24, 2017, VICE Impact. JAC is highlighted for expungement programming. PDF Link


February 27, 2017, Gambit. JAC's expungement events featured. PDF Link



September 17, 2016, Daily Comet. JAC featured for expungement workshop at the Terrebonne Parish Library. PDF Link


September 1, 2016, SimLab. JAC's expungement app is compared to similar initiatives across the country. PDF Link


June 8, 2016, The PBS News Hour, Stateline. JAC comments on the financial bottleneck in Louisiana's expungement system. PDF Link


June 6, 2018, Pew Charitable Trusts. JAC talks about the difficulty in securing an expungement in Louisiana. PDF  Link


June 1, 2016, The Marshall Project - JAC comments on the high cost of expungements in Louisiana. PDF Link


April 28, 2016, USAToday - JAC comments on Louisiana's expansion of Medicaid to include people formerly incarcerated. PDF Link


January 13, 2016, KPLC News - Lake Charles news station includes JAC's insight on the impact of expungements on recidivism during the Fresh Start Initiative sponsored by the Calcasieu Parish District Attorney. PDF Link




September 28, 2015, The Atlantic's CityLab - JAC contributes insight on access to housing when an individual has a criminal record. PDF


September 18, 2015, The Atlantic's CityLab - JAC contributes insight into the "debtor prison" system. PDF




November 12, 2014, The Advocate - The statewide news covers JAC's annual Clean Jacket Day event. PDF


November 10, 2014, Times-Picayne - The local news asks readers to participate in a poll that asked, "Who should be able to erase their criminal past from the public record?" See the results in PDF


November 8, 2014, Times-Picayune - The local news covers JAC's annual Clean Jacket Day event. PDF


November 2013, WGNO Television - Watch JAC Board Member Judson Mitchell talk about Clean Jacket Day 2014 on WGNO. Link


August 19, 2014, The Advocate - JAC is awarded with the Diana Lewis Citizen Participation Award by the Citizens for a Better New Orleans. PDF


April 24, 2014, Entrepreneur Magazine - JAC named as one of seven startups to watch in the South. PDF Link


February 19, 2014, WWLTV - JAC speaks with Sheba Turk for a 10 o'clock news segment on the impact of criminal records. Link


January 14, 2014, Next City - JAC comments on the impact of criminal records for juveniles as they grow up.  PDF




December 4, 2013, The Lens - JAC provides insight in "Punished for life: Unexpected repercussions dog defendants who agree to cop even minor pleas." PDF Link


November 25, 2013, Times Picayune- JAC comments on proposed ordinance in Jefferson Parish that would create new obstacles for individuals reentering society. PDF


November 5, 2013, Gambit - Co-Founders Adrienne Wheeler and Ameca Reali named one of Gambit's "40 Under 40." PDF


October 30, 2013, Times Picayune - JAC comments on exorbitant costs associated with expungements in Louisiana. PDF


September 29, 2013, The Advocate - JAC receives coverage from the Baton Rouge paper on Clean Jacket Day 2013. PDF


September 27, 2013, NOLA Defender - The Defender provides commentary and awareness for JAC's Clean Jacket Day 2013. PDF


September 17, 2013, Uptown Messenger - Jewel Bush covers co-founder Ameca Reali's effort to inform community members of the upcoming Clean Jacket Day 2013. PDF


September 13, 2013, Headquarters Barber Beauty Radio - JAC's co-founders spoke with radio DJs about Clean Jacket Day 2013. Listen online


September 9, 2013, WWLTV - JAC is interviewed on "The 504" for a segment on "Moving Past a Criminal Record. Link


July 2013, St. Charles Avenue Magazine - JAC is highlighted in the magazine as one of New Orleans's "Youngbloods" in the non-profit community. PDF Link


June 18, 2013, Silicon Bayou News - JAC highlighted as graduates from the Propeller Fellowship 2012-2013 class. PDF


June 17, 2013, - JAC highlighted by the online city newspaper as graduating from the Propeller Fellowship 2012-2013 class. PDF


June 11, 2013, WWNO - Ian McNulty interviewed JAC on his weekly show, "Community Impact Series: Justice And Accountability Center Working To Reform Criminal Justice System." Listen here


May 29, 2013, Silicon Bayou News - SBN features JAC graduating from the Propeller Fellowship. PDF


January 22, 2013, Times Picayune - JAC provides public comments on the Housing Authority of New Orleans's (HANO) first draft policy regarding the agency's use of criminal records in housing and employment. PDF


​January 5, 2013, Social Entrepreneur Guide - JAC comments in article on Propeller's Incubator building.  PDF




June 1, 2012, SENO Propeller Fellowship - JAC is awarded a 10 month Social Entrepreneurs New Orleans Propeller Fellowship.


March 16, 2012, Louisiana Bar Association – JAC presents data on expungements in Louisiana to the Criminal Justice Committee of the Bar Association.


January 23, 2012 - George Washington University student blogs about his experience in New Orleans interning with JAC.




December 2011 – JAC partners featured in Loyola Lawyer Magazine.  


December 8, 2011, Loop 21 – JAC discussed the difficulties with expungements.  PDF


November 15, 2011, LOL with Jen, WGSO 990 – JAC spoke to Law Out Loud with Jen alongside partner Mary Queen of Vietnam.

June 20, 2011, Times Picayune – The local newspaper covers Ameca Reali and Adrienne Wheeler’s Echoing Green Fellowship. PDF

June 20, 2011, Justice Roars – Local legal advocate, Louisiana Justice Institute, announces “Cooperative Advocacy for the People,” JAC’s former name, as Echoing Green Fellows.  PDF

June 20, 2011, Loyola University Press – Loyola University releases a story on founders Ameca Reali and Adrienne Wheeler named one of fifteen best emerging global social innovators of 2011 by Echoing Green.


June 15, 2011, Truly Caribbean – Dr. DeFoe, author of “Follow Her Lead,” mentions “Cooperative Advocacy for the People,” JAC’s former name, in discussions on her book. PDF

June 6, 2011, Savannah Now – Adrienne Wheeler’s hometown of Savannah Now mentions JAC in its former name of “Cooperative Advocacy for the People.” PDF

May 29, 2011 - Cause Cast - “Cooperative Advocacy for the People,” JAC’s former name, mentioned as Echoing Green Finalists. PDF

May 11, 2011, Emotional Intelligence – “Cooperative Advocacy for the People,” JAC’s former name, mentioned as Echoing Green Finalists. PDF

May 5, 2011, The Daily Beast - “Cooperative Advocacy for the People,” JAC’s former name, mentioned as Echoing Green Finalists. PDF

Justice and Accountability Center of Louisiana

4035 Washington Avenue, Suite 203

New Orleans, Louisiana 70125

© 2021 by JAC Louisiana


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