JAC Criminal Justice Radio Hour 2017 Guests and Topics

Angela Davis, Project Ishmael
March 2017
Angela Davis is an attorney who leads Project Ishmael, an immigration legal clinic for children located inside First Grace United Methodist Church. She joins JAC to talk about the challenges of providing immigration legal assistance in the current climate. We also speak with two young activists who work with Ms. Davis.

Adina Marx-Arpadi, Orleans Parish Prison Reform Coalition
April 2017
A conversation with Adina Marx-Arpadi, coordinator of the Orleans Parish Prison Reform Coalition (OPPRC). We discuss the battle over local jail expansion in New Orleans and the coalition's recent success in driving the passage of municipal bail reform.

Chabre Johnson and Jaleel Holmes, Youth Empowerment Project
May 2017
A conversation with Chabre Johnson and Jaleel Holmes of the Youth Empowerment Project (YEP). We discuss YEP's expansive work and the importance of offering community-based education, mentoring, and employment-readiness opportunities for youth, especially those who are impacted by the criminal justice system.

Gina Womack, Families and Friends of Louisiana's Incarcerated Children
June 2017
A conversation with Gina Womack, Executive Director of Families and Friends of Louisiana's Incarcerated Children (FFLIC). Ms. Womack joins JAC to discuss the impact of the juvenile justice system and the school to prison pipeline on Louisiana's youth, and how FFLIC develops community leaders who work to transform these systems.

Ivy Wang, Southern Poverty Law Center
July 2017
A conversation with Ivy Wang, attorney with the Southern Poverty Law Center. We're discussing a federal lawsuit that SPLC has filed to stop predatory and illegal practices utilized by bail bond companies in New Orleans.

Dr. Anjali Niyogi and Dr. Ashley Wennerstrom, Formerly Incarcerated Transitions Clinic
October 2017
Dr. Anjali Niyogi is a hospitalist at University Medical Center (UMC), an assistant professor in the Tulane School of Medicine, and directs the Formerly Incarcerated Transitions (FIT) Clinic. Dr. Ashley Wennerstrom is a co-lead of the Prisoner to Patient Project and assistant professor of clinical medicine at Tulane School of Medicine. They join JAC for a conversation on the healthcare needs and challenges of those who are exiting incarceration, and the work of the FIT clinic, the first clinic in Louisiana to offer care specifically for formerly incarcerated people.